Language Mapping

The wiki articles on the Language Mapping feature (the main one is here: are much out-of-date. Also, for some reason, whichever language code combination I select (in the Language Mapping window) I cannot get the Apply button to be active.

  • "Probability score": 0.6

    "Question improvement suggestion": Please provide more details such as the version of Trados Studio you are using, the specific language code combinations you are trying to map, and any error messages you might be seeing. Also, let us know if there have been any recent changes to your system or software.

    In the meantime, based on the information you have provided, here is a suggested answer to your question:


    I understand that you're having trouble with the Language Mapping feature in Trados Studio and that the Apply button is not becoming active. This could be due to a number of reasons. Here are a few steps you can try:

    Step 1: Ensure that you have the latest updates for Trados Studio. You can check for updates within the application.

    Step 2: Try resetting your settings in Trados Studio. You can do this by going to File > Setup > Reset to Default Settings. Please note that this will reset all your settings, so you may want to back them up first.

    Step 3: If the issue persists, you may want to try reinstalling Trados Studio. Please make sure to back up any important data before doing so.

    Regarding the outdated wiki articles, we appreciate your feedback. The team responsible for maintaining these articles has been notified and will update them as soon as possible.

    I hope this answer addressed your question. If not, please reject the answer, add the question improvement suggestion information, and click the RWS Community AI checkbox on the right to try again.

    RWS Community AI

  • Sorry; this reply is far to general and vague. I can tell that none of the suggested remedies will work.


    Sorry; this reply is far to general and vague. I can tell that none of the suggested remedies will work.

    Hi Mats... perhaps the question itself could use some work.  Remember you're speaking to a computer here and as far as I can tell there is very little in your question to help it give you a smarter answer!!  Having said that I'm not sure how much it knows about Language Weaver (which I guess you are referring to because I'm a human and can sometimes guess well), but perhaps this video will help explain:

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • It did help! But in fact, I knew almost all of this before, and had written about it. The problem in this case is that my old example, in my old text, was to use German for translation into Luxembourgish -- however, since that "combination" is now already listed in the mappings table, it was in fact unnecessary to make this manipulation, and the existence of the combination is obviously the reason why the Apply button never lit up. I did not realise that (it is a long time since my old text).

    - But now that I try this again, it seems it is not enough that the language code ger (for Luxembourgish) is already listed -- if I don't click Apply, it will not be used by LW! So what could be the reason for the Apply button being inactive?

    However, another question: To try a better combination, I picked Igbo, to be translated using the language code for Nigerian. But there is no language code for that! And I suppose the answer is that the language codes list only contains some of the ones "missing" in the Language Weaver list -- you just have to be lucky!

    Just one more question: Above the list in LW Provider, it says (in a certain case) "Total languages 599, Filtered 155". How are the "total" languages defined?

    (My apologies to the AI assistand; the original question was directed to a human and I did not think to rephrase it for AI use. Still, I doubt I could have a much better reply than the original one even with a suitable rephrasing.)

    Anyway, the wiki texts still need updating.


    To try a better combination, I picked Igbo, to be translated using the language code for Nigerian. But there is no language code for that! And I suppose the answer is that the language codes list only contains some of the ones "missing" in the Language Weaver list -- you just have to be lucky!

    Not exactly.  If Language Weaver doesn't support Nigerian (which I don't believe it does) then how could it work?  It would be very cool if you could select any language you like and Language Weaver just did it :-)

    Above the list in LW Provider, it says (in a certain case) "Total languages 599, Filtered 155". How are the "total" languages defined?

    They are all the languages supported in Trados Studio.  600 in my instance:

    Screenshot of Language Weaver Provider interface with a description of the Language Mapping feature and a search bar. It shows 'Total languages 600. Filtered 600'.

    I doubt I could have a much better reply than the original one even with a suitable rephrasing.

    Maybe... maybe not, but we'll never know.  You will however if you try again as I just added some training material for this feature :-)

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 9:10 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2025]
  • You will however if you try again as I just added some training material for this feature :-)

    You mean ask the AI again? Maybe I will, just to see what happens. But meanwhile, you did not answer my question about why the Apply button refuses to light up so that I can apply the selected language mapping. (I assume that my first assumption, that I needed to add a missing language code cannot be right -- surely I should be able to use any suitable language code in the mapping table.)


    You mean ask the AI again?

    No, I just said IF you try again.  It wasn't a request, I just meant it's improved because I added training material to handle this and I already know that even if I ask a question like yours, which didn't mention LW at all, that Trados doesn't have this feature so it must be LW and I added some explanatory Q&A into the training data so even the response to your original question is adequate.

    you did not answer my question about why the Apply button refuses to light up so that I can apply the selected language mapping. (I assume that my first assumption, that I needed to add a missing language code cannot be right -- surely I should be able to use any suitable language code in the mapping table.)

    It's hard to know Mats... if it happens again let me know.  The main thing is that this relates to mapping available languages from LW so they can be used anywhere you see fit.  So "suitable" means it must be available in the LW supported language list.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Sorry for this lengthy reply…

    In your example, ”Language” is the actual target language, and “Region” is the language for the MT service. However, in my  example in my old text (which I am now trying to update)


    and, it seems, in most language pairs in the mapping list, it is the other way around (which worked when I wrote that text).

    Also in your example, the Trados code for your selection is tt-RU (with the code “rus”), while for instance in the numerous Arabic pairs in the list, it is the other way around: The code “ara” stands for e.g. the *Language* arabic together with a specific Region, so that the Trados code is, e.g., ar-IQ.

    My question then is: What is really the target language and what is the MT lanugage? (Too bad the old wiki entries are now deleted; I am sure that I would have found some answers there.)

    I can add that I can activate the Apply button by entering a letter – any letter – in a empty Language code field. And then I can select any pair, e.g., Germany-Luxembourg, with the Apply button still active. BUT when I click it, I get this error message:

    Error dialog box with a red cross icon displaying the message 'The value must be set. Parametername: value' with 'Knowledge Base' and 'Community' links at the bottom and an 'OK' button.

    and the LW dialog is closed; I am back at the selection of TM/AT.

    Strange, isn’t it?

    I added training material

    Where is it?


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 11:57 AM (GMT 0) on 6 Mar 2025]

    Decided to record for the response:

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Wow! Thanks a lot! Your reply, and my guesses, shows that a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

    But unfortunately, I'm still stuck with the original problem, trying to map Luxembourgish on German:
    Screenshot of Language Weaver Provider interface showing language mapping for French, German, Luxembourgish, and Portuguese to Luxembourg region with Trados and language codes. Apply button is inactive.

    I.e. the Apply button is not active. Any suggestion?

    BTW, I think the old way of showing the target was very elegant. A pity it is not used any longer.

    Screenshot of a language pair configuration panel showing English (United States) - Luxembourgish (Luxembourg) with source language English and target language German.

    PS. I'm pretty sure the old wiki text on the language mapping was more exhaustive than the one you refer to. But of course I can't be sure.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 4:53 PM (GMT 0) on 6 Mar 2025]

    BTW, I think the old way of showing the target was very elegant. A pity it is not used any longer.

    Completely different feature!  That also didn't provide any mapping capability to use a completely different language to the ones in your project.

    I.e. the Apply button is not active. Any suggestion?

    Yes.  Put ger into the Language Code column for Luxembourgish.  There is nothing to apply, hence it's inactive.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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