Can I use a MultiTerm termbase in Studio 2011 without installing MultiTerm?

Hi all,

My problem is that after I purchased Studio 2011 I have been unable to install MultiTerm. I always end up with fatal error in stallation, error number 1603. I have tried everything and people at SDL, Microsoft and HP have been unable to help.

Now, for the first time after the I purchased Studio, a client is going to send me a package containing a MultiTerm termbase. My question is will I be able to use that termbase in Studio even though MultiTerm has not ben installed?

Thanks for your help in advance.

Kind regads,


  • Hi Suvi,

    Probably a bit late now, but the answer to your question is yes you should be able to use it.  Studio contains the relevant assemblies to be able to use a termbase without MultiTerm being installed.

    However, I do think it would be good to get to the bottom of why Multiterm cannot be installed on your machine.  Do you have a support ticket for this?  When you mention the people at SDL did you log this with support?



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul,

    I have tried everything to install MultiTerm on my machine, including contacting SDL support, Microsoft and my  computer manufacturer for help, but to no avail. I get Fatal error during installation. Error number 1603. as a result to all my attempts. The error appears in Microsoft Knowledgebase, but the instructions are no use to me. The previous time I got the same error with Studio 2011 itself, I got help from SDL, and the solution was to change my anti-virus software to another one and temporarily take anti-virus and UAC control out of use when downloading the Studio program. I have tried that with MultiTerm, but it was no use.

    However, I was not able to use the MultiTerm termbase when working on the project I referred to. The termbase window was empty. What should I have done differently?



  • Suvi Mikkola said:
    However, I was not able to use the MultiTerm termbase when working on the project I referred to. The termbase window was empty. What should I have done differently?

    Hi Suvi,

    Unfortunately, on top of all your other problems this sounds like a Java issue.  There is a tool available as part of a KB article now, so you can get full details here and you should review this in case your set up includes something that needs special handling: 

    KB #5060 |  Troubleshooting terminology issues in SDL MultiTerm and SDL Trados Studio 2011 and later with Java 7 Update 51 installed

    This will basically remove all the old versions of Java you may have on your systems, replace them with the latest one for your system, configure it to work well with Studio/MultiTerm and you should be good.  All you do is download, and unzip to your desktop. Then close all applications and then right-click on this file “Client-MTJUR.exe” in Windows Explorer to run as admin.

    Let me know if it does the trick. If you are using Win 8 you might have to lower your UAC controls as Win 8 seems to have this habit of prompting you to accept some Java changes that then reset things so they don’t work again. Let me how you get on anyway.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul,

    I checked the situation with my customer, and the issue was not Java after all: they just did not send me the termbase, as they knew I had not succceeded in installing MultiTerm... I tested with a new package, and MultiTerm works for me. Thank you very much!

    However, I ran the program you suggested, just in case, and tried again installing MultiTerm, to no avail.

    But I noticed that the program installed Java 7 Update 51, while the latest version is Update 55. Why is that?



  • Hi Suvi,

    I like the resolution!

    On the program I provided... this only updates to Java 51 because it restores the version installed for MultiTerm that works best with Studio 2011.  There may be a cumulative updated for Studio 2011 in the near future that will improve the situation for 2011, but in the meantime I would hold off upgrading it past 51 if all is working well.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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