How can I export an entire termbase into a PDF file?

Hello! I hope someone has the answer to this. I have been able to print an entry from my termbase into a PDF file, using the "print this entry" command and saving it as PDF. I am doing it this way because each entry has images, and the export options don't work well with images. However, when I'm done populating all of the termbase, I would like to print it out as a whole in PDF. It would be too time consuming to do it one by one. I'm doing a research paper and I would like for it to have a good presentation. Any tips on how can I achieve this? I have SDL Multiterm 2019. Thank you! 


  • Jerzy, where do I find info on what is a Word export definition and how to edit it? Thank you!

  • I'm not sure if it will export the images, but you can indeed configure the export, when you copy the export definition in MT Termbase management instead of simply processing it. Then edit the copy of the export definition, which you can then configure.


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  • I had a quick test with the free appstore plugin using this:

    Screenshot of Multilingual Dictionary Converter with options to select languages, convert format to PDF, and user information fields filled out.

    But this won't meet your needs either as you only get this:

    Text output from the Multilingual Dictionary Converter showing a test PDF conversion with user information and a note that it is based on the inputs.PDF

    On the RTF export:

    It doesn't export the image (only the image name) and it certainly looks like a file that only black arts can handle. There is a lot of history info throughout the term record (my name as the person who modified it and dates and times) that would make editing and formatting it a hassle. 

    It might be possible to correct this, but it is very tricky.  Adding the media image just gives me this as opposed to the image itself:

    RTF export result displaying only the image names and not the actual images, with additional term record history information.

    And you'd need to be able to understand how to use RTF coding to improve this format.  This might be helpful in terms of getting your formatting right if you have the time and energy to figure it out, and then you'd only have to add the images which would be a lot less work than you have right now:

    For a long time I've had an idea to create plugin or an app to do a better job of this but there has never been enough demand for me to raise this to a higher level in the priority list.  I might try and see whether we can do something after we've got Trados 2021 out of the way (SDLCOM-2036).  Probably too late for you unfortunately but I think it'd be good to have a better export option for something like in the future.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 1:48 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • 3. Unfortunately, doesn't support Multiterm 2019.

    I don't think the version of MultiTerm is relevant really.  So I just changed the requirements for the app and now you should be able to download and test it.  Perhaps you can use this in some way to at least get out the main details?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Thank you, Paul. So in the first part of your exercise, you have encountered the same issues I had: not only not getting all of the fields exported, but getting just two languages exported from a multilingual termbase. 
    I see RTF looks pretty scary, as in every thing we don't know. Once you read carefully the coding, you kind of start making sense of the language. I will try to look further into this.

    It would be late for me, yes, but sounds like a super idea. I really think it could be a huge plus to Studio to be able to consider terminology also as a standalone product, which does already, but as we can see in my case, it could be enhanced. This is, printing out a  termbase into a really good looking dictionary format, specially if you have more information (like in my case). I have worked in companies that have glossaries and style guides available to the entire company to check out and use. This could be a way of translation departments sharing everything they have already worked on in a very user-friendly format. More so, appealing to terminologists, as myself, to use this tool for purely terminology purposes. Maybe you could consider including a Bibliography manager would be super helpful... 

  • I don't think the version of MultiTerm is relevant really.  So I just changed the requirements for the app and now you should be able to download and test it.  Perhaps you can use this in some way to at least get out the main details?

    Thank you Paul. It did let me download it this time, but it shows an error message. I'm enclosing the print screen.


    Error message from Microsoft .NET Framework stating 'Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately. Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.' with options to see Details, Continue, or Quit.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 1:48 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]