Excluding any text that isn't English from the source section in a bilingual XML

I have a bilingual XML file, is there a way of automatically excluding any text that isn't English from the source section when processing the file in Trados? It's currently a mix of Arabic and English in the source, and I only want to translate the English into Arabic. I could go through the file manually and lock all of the Arabic sections, but this is a really large file so would take too long, is there a way of doing this automatically/creating a setting that excludes the Arabic in the first place? Thank you!

I have SDL Trados Studio 2021 -


    I have a bilingual XML file, is there a way of automatically excluding any text that isn't English from the source section when processing the file in Trados?


    Can you provide a sample of the XML as this is the only way you'll be able to get concrete answer to this question.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Thank you Paul! Any chance I could send you an email with the file? Not sure I can share it publicly unfortunately as we have a few NDAs in place with the client. Thank you! 

  • Hi Paul,

    Just to check that you received my below message about the setting not working for us? I want to check that what we're doing is correct. The client is wanting to move from Across to Trados so we need to get the settings file in place before they make the move so they're currently chasing for an update.

    Thank you in advance for your continued help!


    No, I didn't see it.  If you tag me it helps (type @ and select me from the list that appears) as I'll see the notification.

    do we need to create a new file type,

    Better to create a new one.  Then create your project again.  Also make sure that your project is actually using your new filetype.  Just check the file identifier column in the files view and make sure it' the one you expected to use.

    I can't check as I can't find the example you sent me (you used some other name I don't recall).

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    There are other XPaths within that file type of course, but I added the new one and moved it to the top of the list so that Trados prioritises it.

    Why?  Why are there other xpaths when you provided exactly what rules were required for this file?  I suggest you remove all the other parser rules you have and only use the ones I provided.  Then see if the expression works.

    But really... what are the other rules for and do you understand how they might influence the rules I gave you?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • HI  

    Apologies if my message wasn't very clear, I tried two workflows:

    1) I created a new file type which then just contained your XPath:

    //*[text()[normalize-space()]][not(ancestor-or-self::*/@countries) or contains(ancestor-or-self::*[@countries][1]/@countries, 'ME')]

    And the Xpath:


    as per your screenshot, however the analysis was the same as if I didn't apply any special settings

    2) I also added the XPath to the existing XML file type in Trados, to see if I needed to do that instead (which is why I mentioned that there are other default XPaths within that file type), but again there was no difference to the w/c

    I've tried this multiple times now, tweaking the settings each time and ensuring that the project is using the correct settings but I receive the same w/c each time, and it does not omit the text that isn't for translation.

    Would you be able to export and send me the settings that you created? As I say, I've tried multiple times now and have made small adjustments each time, but I just can't find a combination of settings that ensures that this XPath works. I feel like I'm missing something but can't see what, so thinking that having your settings file and being able to recreate it exactly would help my understanding. 

    Is that ok? Thanks Paul! 


    Can you send me the file again please?  I don't keep all the files I'm sent... tend to test, see if I can fix and then discard.

    Thank you.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Thank you.  If I use anyXML (default) I get an analysis like this using an empty TM:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio analysis with empty TM showing high repetition count and majority of words categorized as NewAT.

    If I use a custom filetype with the two rules I get this:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio analysis with custom filetype rules showing a decrease in repetitions and an increase in NewAT word count.

    I have put my settings file here:


    Take a look... see if you get the same results as me and if you do then just compare screen by screen what I have that's different in the settings.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 9:20 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]

    Hi Paul, thanks for sending that over. I've checked the settings on our side, and have asked the client to check that the file with the settings applied only contained the text that they needed for Arabic, and they've confirmed that it does - so thank you! Using these settings we've been able to copy them for the other languages that we needed to, so they're really helpful.

    I've noticed something about the settings however, the tags within the project disappear when the settings are applied. If I create a project without the settings, the tags are present, however when they're applied then the tags disappear. Do you know why this might be the case? 

    Thanks Paul!


    I don't have your files anymore... you take so long between posts I didn't think you would come back!  However, the tags disappearing is probably down to different segmentation as a result of the rules, and all tags that are now on the outside edges of a segment will be moved out as they don't need to be internalised.

    Or are you telling me that the tags are missing in the translated XML files?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    As usual, I think you're right and I panicked prematurely! Thanks Paul, you've been such a help! 

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