How to change font size and layout in Editor of Trados 2014?

1. How to change the font size of the translation result windows in Editor?

I found two places to change the font size.
However, when I change the values in the following two windows, the font size in translation result window cannot be changed.

2. Could the layout of translation result windows be changed to Lefe-Right view, not the Top-Buttom view?

Thanks in advance for the reply :))

Eugene in Taiwan

  • Hi Eugene,

    1. As Emma says, I find that the Translation Results font size can definitely be adjusted effectively via File>Options>Editor>Translation Results Window.

    Here, I've changed only the Source size so it is obvious that a change has been made over my usual font size:

    You can see here in my Translation Results window that the Source is indeed size 14 whilst the Target remains at size 10:

    The other place to change font size is under File>Options>Editor>Font Adaptation. This changes the font size in the Editor's main Translation window. It works correctly too.

    I see that you're in Taiwan. Are you working with a different font and/or a different alphabet to those we use in the West, maybe? If so, it may be something to do with that?

    2. Does your second question refer to the direction of text rather than the layout of Source to Target?

    I ask this because in Western versions of Studio, the Source as you see above is on the left and Target on the right, not Top-Bottom as you indicate.

    Or are you asking if the results can be ordered in columns rather than in rows? As Emma says, this is not possible.

    All the best,


  • Hi, Alison and Emma,

    Thanks a lot for all your responses.


    Eventually I have changed the font size by using "File>Options>Editor>Font Adaptation"

    This is very helpful.

    However, when I tried to use "File>Options>Editor>Translation Results Window"

    It did not work.


    I mean layout for displaying saurce and target columns.

    If it is possible to be same as the layout in Trados 2007.

    In Trados 2007, the source is top while the target is buttom.

    In Trados 2014, the saurce is left while the target is right.

    Thanks a lot in advance for the reply. :))


  • Eugene

    In response to your second question: Studio (all versions) does not support the horizontal top-bottom layout of Trados 2007 (Workbench).
    You are not the first to ask for this and we still hope that SDL will one day bring out a version where the user can dynamically switch between the two layouts (vertical and horizontal).

  • Hi again Eugene,

    Regarding  "File>Options>Editor>Translation Results Window", this definitely works on a Western set-up with Western fonts.

    I'm thinking that either Studio or Windows is set to ignore certain areas of functionality in the case of an Asian font.

    See here, for example, a setting that skips complex or Asian fonts:

    Studio > File Types > Specific file types > PDF Settings

    Not the setting that would affect what you are experiencing but maybe indicative of a set-up requirement to ignore complex font attributes in certain scenarios?

    I'm only guessing of course. Someone out there will know better than I...

    All the best,


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