Terminology verification returning false positives during verification with duplicate correct source/target term pairs

Since the update of Trados Studio 2022 to SR1, terminology verification no longer works correctly when there are duplicate terms in the source/target.

False postives are reported, i.e. even though the proper term for both identical source terms is used in the target (twice), verification reports one of them as being missing. Tested the same project on Trados Studio 2021 and verification works properly there.

Now since the update yesterday, verification is finding more terms that it wasn't finding earlier (see:  RE: Term recognized in Editor but false translation does not show up in QA ), and as a result the number of false positives has increased quite a bit, which slows down QA considerably and unnecessarily.

Screenshot of Trados Studio showing a list of 46 warnings in the Messages panel, with a handwritten note stating 'All of these are false positives!'

Please fix this issue as soon as possible!

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[edited by: Trados AI at 12:27 PM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
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