Converting TM file into Excel. Set tags disappearing.

Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew a workaround to my problem.

So there are many TM files I have and I wanted to convert them into Excel. 

Obviously when I Batch task to export a project's excel file the excel file will have the Tags show up on both the Source and Target side of the excel

However, I have some old TM files where I don't have (or don't know where) the original file is so I wanted to convert that TM file into Excel using the Glossary Converter.
When I did, The tags whether they were color codings, or other variable codings (such as {0}) were removed on the exported excel.

I'm thinking that the tags were thought to be formatting tags so they were removed, but I need to be able to have them also converted and show up on Excel as if I was exporting the project file as stated first.

Does anyone know how I can go about this?
