MS Spell checker error in Studio 2022


I have Trados 2021 and Trados 2022 (both freelance versions) installed on the same W10 desktop. And I have MS Office 2010 Pro (due to Word Live preview not working with the later office versions). Now, spell checking works fine in Trados 2021, but in Trados 2022, when I try to select it in active spell checker (Options/Spelling), I get the error "Unable to select spell checker extension. Could not load file or assembly  'Microsoft.Office.Interop. Word, version=, Culture= neutral, ...." Why does it work with Trados 2021 and not with Trados 2022? And does MS Office spell checker work with Office 365? I am thinking about giving up on live MS Word preview and migrating to Office 365. Office spell checker is essential for me, and If it doesn't work with Office 365, I will have to migrate to a cheaper CAT tool.

Kind Regards,

