Regarding the way the word list is stored in the settings file ...


We are working on our terminology, and as part of this I am addressing the long-standing issue that the Word List in QA Checker 3 does not have any import/export feature. My current solution is an AHK script that reads a CSV and enters the terms into the list, which is tolerable:

Screenshot of Trados Studio Word List Importer application with buttons for Select file, Enter Word list, Reset, Copy skipped lines to clipboard, Help, Toggle Slow Mode, and Quit.

It would be far better though to simply write the data into the settings file. Looking at that file, I see this:

Snippet of an XML configuration file for Trados Studio QA Checker showing settings for WordListIgnoreCase, WordListWholeWord, and WrongWordPairs with nested CorrectWord and WrongWord elements.

All this looks very straightforward, except for the funny doubling up of data in the nodes starting with an underscore. Why is there <_WrongWord> in addition to <WrongWord>?

Hope this is still on-topic for this forum.


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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 7:48 AM (GMT 1) on 24 May 2024]