SDL Managed Translation 17.8: Release Announcement

It is my pleasure to announce the release of SDL Managed Translation 17.8!

Data Export

We have implemented an enhancement to the Data Export feature in SDL Managed Translation that allow users to access a previously generated data export or request a new data export. Where a new export is requested, users do not need to wait for that export to complete. They can simply log back into the system at a later time to download the completed export file. SDL Managed Translation will store a previously requested export for up to seven days.

Language Counter

From the Create a Project page in SDL Managed Translation, we now include a language counter to display the number of target languages currently selected. This enhancement was developed as a result of a customer suggestion, submitted via the Ideas section on the SDL Managed Translation Community.

Linked Picklists

We have introduced support for linked picklist fields in SDL Managed Translation. Linked picklists can be configured according to the requirements of a customer but can contain any number of hierarchical levels where the values available to select in a child picklist are dependent on the value selected in the parent picklist. Below is an example of how linked picklists can be configured for use in SDL Managed Translation when creating a new project: -

My Applications

Users can now register an application developed using the SDL Managed Translation API, directly via the user interface. Requests have to go through an approval process before the application can be used in production.

Inherited Configurations

Where a user has visibility of configurations defined at different levels of an organisational hierarchy, they are able to specify the organization at which that project should be created.

Online Review Terminology Highlighting - Technical Preview

Included in this release is a technical preview for terminology highlighting, available to users working with the online review feature in SDL Managed Translation. Customers interested in participating in this technical preview should contact their regular SDL account contact, or get in touch we me via the SDL Managed Translation Community.



The 17.8 update for SDL Managed Translation is now live, as of Thursday, 17th August 2017, so users can already benefit from the features and fixes included in this release. For more information on any of the features included in this release, please get in touch with me via the Community.

Ian Parnell

Product Manager - SDL Managed Translation