SDL TMS 2011 SP5 CU1 | Hotfix for defect #36470 - For some languages, SDL TMS doesn't extract LiveContent (Trisoft) DITA content type

For some languages, Trisoft DITA Content Type will send tasks to Exception at the Extract TC stage. The Task History displays the following message:

The language may not be supported on this system. Check the format of the file is correct and that it has been submitted using the correct encoding.

In SDL TMS, during the Extract TC for SDLXIFF-based Content Types, if an error occurs when retrieving the matching file type definitions, the task is sent into the Exception stage. For this particular case, an error is returned stating that one of the languages, source or target, is not recognized by the system.

Even if errors occur when retrieving the matching file type definitions, for the current task, it is possible that at least one definition is found. Therefore, SDL TMS will be more tolerant: any error will be logged into the debug tms logs and SDL TMS will continue extracting the file content.

If no definition is still not found, Extract TC will still be sent into the Exception stage.

PRE-REQUISITE for this hotfix: SDL TMS 2011 SP5 CU1 - Combined Hotfix. More information here.

SDL-hosted customers should contact SDL Support to arrange for a hotfix to be deployed.

Customers who host TMS themselves should download the installer for SDLTMS2011SP5CU1 Hotfix for 36470.exe from the following FTP site: TMS/2011 SP5/CU1/Hotfix.