SDL TMS 2011 SP5 CU1 | SDL TMS 2011 SP5 CU1 - Combined Hotfix

This post references a number of fixes included in the SDL TMS 2011 Service Pack 5 Cumulative Update 1 Combined Hotfix.

The Combined Hotfix addresses the following issues and defect numbers. Click the defect number to get more details for each individual fixed issue:

  • #36302: Pre-Processing can fail when handling files from a UNC path
  • #36478: SDLXLIFF file gets corrupted by custom segment comments added during custom Pre-Processing
  • #36483: Translations received from an MT provider are truncated for segments containing tags
  • #36484: Pre-translated SDLXLIFF bilingual files are overwritten during the Pre-Processing stage

SDL-hosted customers should contact SDL Support to arrange for this Combined Hotfix to be deployed.

Customers who host TMS themselves should download the installer for SDLTMS2011SP5CU1 Hotfix for 36302 36478 36483 36484.exe from the following FTP site: TMS/2011 SP5/CU1/Hotfix.

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