SDL TMS 2011 SP6 CU1 | External Machine Translation queue blocked for Legacy Content Types

In some cases for Legacy Content Types, tasks coming from an External Machine Translation (EMT) Engine for processing get stuck in the EMT queue.

When matches are returned from the EMT Engine, the ITD bilingual file needs to be rebuilt. Sometimes SDLX would crash due to a buffer overflow, leading then to an access violation. This would block the rebuild of the affected ITD file, preventing the next tasks in the queue from being processed and consequently, blocking the EMT processing entirely.

This fix prevents SDLX from crashing and, in case other issues occur, it also offers an improved logic of processing tasks in the EMT queue. The tasks that are received from the EMT engine and are ready to be rebuilt are now given priority, being followed by the tasks that are ready to be sent to the EMT Engine. 

Additionally, as this issue concerns the pre-processing area, be aware that the fix contains the "Microsoft Word 2007-2016 (Tech Preview) - Pre-processing tool available for SDL TMS 2011 SP6 CU1" as described in this post. Therefore, implementations that already have installed this Pre-Processing Tool will not have it removed by accident.

SDL-hosted customers should contact SDL Support to arrange for a hotfix to be deployed.

Customers who host SDL TMS themselves should download the installer for SDLTMS2011SP6 Hotfix for TMS-7375.exe from the following FTP site: TMS/2011 SP6/CU1/Hotfix.