SDL TMS 2011 SP6 | Entities wrongly converted by SDL TMS after segments are received from the BeGlobal machine translation stage

When SDL TMS receives matched segments containing one of these 3 character entities > or & from SDL BeGlobal, SDL TMS escapes the returned characters, therefore displaying incorrect characters.

For example, the string: "This is a document with a <1> placeholder" gets displayed as: "Este es un documento con un &lt; 1&gt; marcador".

SDL TMS was operating a double escaping of the above mentioned characters at different points along the Machine Translation flow.

For example, the ampersand character would be first "XML-escaped" to represent a &, which is fine, but this would then be re-escaped to display &amp;.

SDL TMS now respects the returned characters and no longer attempts any incorrect escaping.

SDL-hosted customers should contact SDL Support to arrange for a hotfix to be deployed.

Customers who host SDL TMS themselves should do one of the following: