SDL TMS 11.1 | TMS-11560 | Duplicate tag ID in a segment coming back from SDL BeGlobal


In rare cases, segments containing locked content tags and placeholder tags come back from the SDL BeGlobal Machine Translation step with both tags marked with the same reference ID.

Tags contained in a segment can be of different nature. For each tag, a reference ID is generated. The ways these IDs are generated are different, depending on the nature of the tag.  In exceptional cases, the same ID was created for tags of different nature, thus leading to confusing the users.

This fix provides a mechanism to avoid tag ID collision.

SDL-hosted customers should contact SDL Support to arrange for this hotfix to be deployed.

Customers who host SDL TMS themselves should download the installer for SDLTMS11.1 Hotfix for TMS-11560.exe from the following FTP site: TMS/11.1/Hotfix.

- Hotfix for TMS-11355.exe – information available here.

Per SDL Engineering policy, the Engineering team provides hotfixes for the latest release of SDL TMS to encourage our customers to run the latest version of SDL TMS to benefit from the latest features and fixes.