SDL WorldServer 11.1 Newsletter December 2016

Dear all,

The last month of 2016 brings to our customers a new version of SDL WorldServer, 11.1!
The public announcement of this release is available on SDL Community.
More details are available in the Release Notes, on the SDL Documentation Center.
The distribution package can be downloaded from FTP, as usual.
For a short description about this release, please watch the video of Andra Turc, our colleague from the development team at the end of the blog post.

To those who contributed to validating the WorldServer 11.1 release – the WorldServer Engineering team, Cloud Operations, Professional Services, Support and others...a BIG THANK YOU.

The development team started a new challenge, SDL WorldServer 11.1.1. Its scope is customer satisfaction (bugs reported by customers to be fixed) and improving the user assignments functionality. This project should be completed at the end of March 2017.

The detailed backlog can be seen in JIRA.

Claudia Popa
Product Owner – SDL WorldServer