Developer documentation for WorldServer 11.3

Hello everyone,

After receiving quite a few requests from our customers, we are excited to announce the availability of a new set of documentation for WorldServer 11.3, aimed primarily at software developers and integrators. Of all the content that we added, we would like to highlight the following:

  • An extensive description of each available REST API endpoint, including prerequisites, mandatory request parameters, filters, sample responses and possible error messages.
  • A section about common multi-step operations that you can perform through the API, including diagrams and links to each call.
  • A section about building your own customizations for the WorldServer 11.x user interface, including samples, as well as a list of the available controls and services you can use in your code.

You can find this new publication on the SDL Documentation Center under SDL WorldServer 11.3:

Also, as part of our efforts to improve the WorldServer documentation, you can look forward to a completely restructured publication for end users starting with the release of WorldServer 11.4.

Important: We take your feedback seriously and we want to make sure that our documentation answers your needs. Feel free to give suggestions, ask questions, highlight potential mistakes (we hope there aren't that many!) or simply tell us your experience so far with the WorldServer documentation either as a reply to this post or directly on the Documentation Center, by using the built-in commenting feature (if you are logged in).