I am pleased to announce the release of WS 11.8.1, a small but important update to WorldServer. As well as addressing a number of customer-reported issues, we have taken the opportunity to:
- improve performance by adding additional DB indexes
- updated to the latest Core Components file types
- this includes changing to the latest PDF conversion support
- marking older file types as Deprecated
- more significantly, added support for bilingual formats to retain pre-existing translations
- updated the Online Editor to the latest version, resolving a number of open issues (incl. term synonym visibility)
- updated some 3rd party libraries to address security issues there
- for our Support colleagues, we added a means to grab hold of a hanging task to be able to resolve the underlying issue (Send to Auto Error)
- added support for the TM caching feature to work also for projects created without a Project Type
I would like to thank the Engineering team for their dedication and delivery of this latest release and look forward to the exciting next installment, WorldServer 11.9!