Best FTS configuration (daemons, etc)?

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I was looking to get the best of the FTS configuration (Daemon, engine cache size, etc) but could not found any relevant info. I'm interested in getting from your configuration the values you have in the file "Sdl.WorldServer.FileTypeSupport.Server.HostProcess.exe.config".

This is what I have:

<add key="NumberOfDaemons" value="4" />
<add key="SleepTime" value="1" />
<add key="EngineCacheSize" value="0" />


Also do you use the following?

<add key="DatabaseReaderBatchSize" value="2000" />
<add key="DatabaseWriterBatchSize" value="400" />

  • Actually, FTS has a threading issue and requires that you always have your daemons set at 1 and you have to increase your processes in the launcher config. I have repeatedly asked SDL to at least provide documentation as comments in the config files to this effect and long term allow the setting of the daemon to work. I have not heard any progress on that front.

    As to your other settings, the engine cache size of 0 means that the engine will constantly be checking the DB for work to do and could negatively affect performance, what it does get you however, is the assurance that at any given time the FTS server is processing those jobs that have the highest priority. If you set the cache size higher, it collects a list of tasks to work on and does not check again until they are complete. In our environment we have that setting set to the same number of FTS processes we have on that node.

    The sleep time is not a setting we've ever changed but with your setting, it will increase the frequency that the engine will check for new work, this may negatively impact performance but ensures that pending work in the queue does not stay pending for very long at all.

    We do use the reader and write batch size, these control how much the server will queue up before making a call to the DB to either read or write. As Write's are about storing data, thus they have a lower threshold than the reader. If you wanted to follow the same pattern as you have for your other settings you'd decrease these values, however just like above, you are sacrificing performance for precision.

     If i've got any of the above incorrect one of the SDL folks (    ) should be able to correct me.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member in reply to Eric Bishop

    Thanks Eric Bishop for this very useful explanation!

    Just to be sure about one thing: do you use the same values for <add key="NumberOfDaemons" value="4" />, <add key="SleepTime" value="1" /> and <add key="EngineCacheSize" value="0" /> in both Sdl.WorldServer.FileTypeSupport.Server.HostProcess.exe.config and Sdl.WorldServer.FileTypeSupport.Server.Tools.exe.config

  • Yes we keep them the same, as well as any relevant portions of the pdf one. however i have never heard of any use cases where these were applicable and do not think that the control anything.
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