I am trying to get the /files POST REST call to work.
I am using Postman with the following:
URL: base+/ws-api/v1/files
Header: Token=sessionId from login call
I go to the body tab and select the file in question that I want to upload.
The CURL is:
curl -X GET \
baseURL/ws-api/v1/files \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'postman-token: bd26351d-cf3b-aa17-8c45-70c444203910' \
-H 'token: 1933081325'
This is the error I get:
"errors": [
"code": 500,
"type": "SERVER",
"message": "Required List parameter 'filename' is not present"
I know that I'm probably just doing something wrong, I'm just not sure what and how to deal with this error.