Step status To be Canceled in Workflow Queue

Hi everyone,

We have some task steps in our workflow queue that have been canceled, but rather than actually being canceled, they have the status "To be canceled". All of these tasks are running on the same FTS server; canceled steps on the other FTS cancel immediately. Do we simply have to wait for garbage collection to run on the server, or is there some other way to forcibly clear the queue of these tasks?

  • Hi Dave,

    when this happens the only solution is to restart the Idiom service on the server where the Workflow Engine is installed. After restart, those jobs in "To be canceled" will be cleared.

    In general, if you need to cancel or stop a job that is present in both queues - Filter engine and Workflow Engine Queue - for instance a Task in a FTS-related step (EXTRACT (Segment Asset), EXPORT (Generate Transation kit) or GENERATE (Save or Save target), it is best to cancel the job from the Filter engine Queue. By doing so, the Task will be sent into Autoerror. If the issue was only temporary or you have a way to fix the root cause, you will have a chance th re-do the same action by completing the Autoerror.

    When canceling a Job from the Workflow Engine Queue - on the other hand - the Task will be canceled in total. II understand that sometimes that is necessary.

    I hope this helps.

  • Hi Dave,

    when this happens the only solution is to restart the Idiom service on the server where the Workflow Engine is installed. After restart, those jobs in "To be canceled" will be cleared.

    In general, if you need to cancel or stop a job that is present in both queues - Filter engine and Workflow Engine Queue - for instance a Task in a FTS-related step (EXTRACT (Segment Asset), EXPORT (Generate Transation kit) or GENERATE (Save or Save target), it is best to cancel the job from the Filter engine Queue. By doing so, the Task will be sent into Autoerror. If the issue was only temporary or you have a way to fix the root cause, you will have a chance th re-do the same action by completing the Autoerror.

    When canceling a Job from the Workflow Engine Queue - on the other hand - the Task will be canceled in total. II understand that sometimes that is necessary.

    I hope this helps.
