Which internet speed is required to work with SDL World Server, is 3 MbpS enough?

Hello specialists,

I am in India and the internet speed I can have where I am is 3 MbpS. I have worked with other cloud tools with this speed and it worked. But I never work with SDL Worldserver under these conditions and i would like to make sure that my speed is enough before accepting a job which requires SDL Worldserver. I could not find anything regarding the required internet speed for the WorldServer in internet. Does anybody here know? Thanks and have a lovely Sunday. Best Ute

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member

    You'll probably be fine. However depending on the size of the projects you are assigned and the size of the TM's in WorldServer, some packages may take longer to download than others.. What translation tool would you be using to translate?

  • Hi Eric, thanks for getting back. In between I got in touch with SDL and I was told there that even 7 mbps would be vey slow, even though I do not have to download packages, nor do I have to access remote glossaries, I would only need to access the remote TM. Which size this TM has I do not now. At the moment I am enquiring if I can get better data packages. I made a check yesterday connecting my computer with my mobile connection which had 3,5 mbps download and 2,5 upload and the segments were indeed read from the TM too slow. It would not be good to work with this speed (per segment depending on the segment size between 10 and 15 seconds read-in time). But I still do not know, what the required speed should be. SDL said as high as possible. 10 mbps would still be payable, but then it becomes too expansive. Unfortunately I have to decide before buying the package and can only change it after one month. So I need to make the right decision. however thank you.

  • Hi Eric, thanks for getting back. In between I got in touch with SDL and I was told there that even 7 mbps would be vey slow, even though I do not have to download packages, nor do I have to access remote glossaries, I would only need to access the remote TM. Which size this TM has I do not now. At the moment I am enquiring if I can get better data packages. I made a check yesterday connecting my computer with my mobile connection which had 3,5 mbps download and 2,5 upload and the segments were indeed read from the TM too slow. It would not be good to work with this speed (per segment depending on the segment size between 10 and 15 seconds read-in time). But I still do not know, what the required speed should be. SDL said as high as possible. 10 mbps would still be payable, but then it becomes too expansive. Unfortunately I have to decide before buying the package and can only change it after one month. So I need to make the right decision. however thank you.
