When another project is translated by opening WorldServer project, should another folder be createad?, Then, how?

In opening WorldServer package, at the fourth step of "Confirmation of the contents of the package", the process stops, and the red circle caution mark indicating that "the folder has already been used, so please use an empty or appropriate folder" appears.  I  have already been working on another project on trados at the same time. Then, I made a new folder, but, this time, the message "the folder does not have a proper path" appears. How should I solve this problem?

  • Hello Tokuchi-san, the issue is not really with the WorldServer package, but with Studio or with the folder where the project folder should be created. Which version of Trados Studio are you using? How do you open the WSXZ package? In Studio 2021 or 2022, are you using the "Open worldServer Package" button?

    Are you maybe attempting to create a folder on a network location? Sometimes network or permission issues might lead to similar errors. Can you try to create a new folder on your local desktop or under your C: drive and indicate that folder as the one where the project folder should be created?

  • Hello Tokuchi-san, the issue is not really with the WorldServer package, but with Studio or with the folder where the project folder should be created. Which version of Trados Studio are you using? How do you open the WSXZ package? In Studio 2021 or 2022, are you using the "Open worldServer Package" button?

    Are you maybe attempting to create a folder on a network location? Sometimes network or permission issues might lead to similar errors. Can you try to create a new folder on your local desktop or under your C: drive and indicate that folder as the one where the project folder should be created?

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