ishfolderquery functions/variables?

 I would like to setup an inbox that displays all content that has been in a "design" state for at least 90 days.  I need to be able to do some basic math based on the current date/time.

Basically this would be setup for a quality role to disposition components that have been sitting idle - delete the components or push them through workflow.

Took a stab at it hoping xpath was valid option but seems that isn't the case ...


        <CardType value="CTMASTERL"/>
        <CardType value="CTMAPL"/>
        <CardType value="CTLIBL"/>
        <ISHField ref="FSTATUS" operator="equal" value="VSTATUSDESIGN" valueoption="isrcElement"/>
        <ISHField ref="FSTATUS" operator="equal" value="VSTATUSROUTING" valueoption="isrcElement"/>
        <ISHField ref="FISHLASTMODIFIEDON" operator="greaterthan" value="current-date() - xs:dayTimeDuration('P90D')" valueoption="isrcElement"/>




  • From the top of my head the ISHField value parameter has no scripting options, so it will only accept a hardcoded value. I don't think the sliding window is feasible without 'daily' inbox configuration adjustment.

    I assume you want this in the UI (so inbox), as the corrective is different every time. Or is there a 100% rule that would allow some automation.
  • Hello Dave,

    I noticed some variables ($ME) are defined. Any others? Are those variables defined at the time they're requested/generated? It seems this is something that can't be done as a configuration but rather a customization within the ASP files.

    If you have time to explore the scripting options that would be helpful. I would very much like to make our inboxes more dynamic. This is a function of time and state. I want things to shift to higher/different priority boxes based on those two criteria.

    Additionally, I do not see any documentation or method to limit a ishfolderquery to a folder?  I'd like to search X folder for components that match Y criteria?




  • Hello Dave,

    I noticed some variables ($ME) are defined. Any others? Are those variables defined at the time they're requested/generated? It seems this is something that can't be done as a configuration but rather a customization within the ASP files.

    If you have time to explore the scripting options that would be helpful. I would very much like to make our inboxes more dynamic. This is a function of time and state. I want things to shift to higher/different priority boxes based on those two criteria.

    Additionally, I do not see any documentation or method to limit a ishfolderquery to a folder?  I'd like to search X folder for components that match Y criteria?



