Is it possible for Acrolinx check to be run at a publication or map level in SDL KC?

I use XMetal editor with SDL KC and have Acrolinx plugin in XMetal for language checks. Currently I am required to run acrolinx on each topic by checking out the topic. Is there a possibility of running Acrolinx at the publication level and get a report of the edits required in each topic.

I am not sure if this is the right forum to ask this question. Please redirect me if I am wrong.

Many thanks for your help.

  • From within SDL Knowledge Center Publication Manager you can not trigger this functionality, so you can not run it on the publication level.

    According to the release notes of Acrolinx you should be able to check content starting from a ditamap.

    So I would expect that in order to do this, you need to checkout the DITA map using the SDL menu in XMetaL and download the referenced files, so that they are available in the localstorage as well for the Acrolinx functionality to check them.

    Do keep in mind that working in XMetaL with DITAMAPs is not keeping track of the topic versions which are selected in the baseline but rather with the latest version of the objects.

    Kind Regards,


  • Thank you very much. After I posted this, I found another option that worked for me. There is a batch check option in Acrolinx menu which basically lets me select the topics to run acrolinx on from my local storage folder. In this method, I was able to choose the correct version too.

    Running acrolinx at the map provides a book level check on all topics in the map and this batch check method allows the flexibility of choosing a bunch of unrelated topics to perform a check and then retrieve a report.
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