Generate GUID in Oxygen

We are using Oxygen as our authoring tool. Sometimes we need to add an ID to an element. Oxygen has this nice context menu for Generate IDs. This menu helps, but it seems to be a Oxygen specific format for the ID, e.g. <p id="p_zgz_jdq_r1b"/>

I would like to get a GUID, the same format for the id as SDL Knowledge Center generates when checking in the topic,  e.g. <title id="GUID-DC83EBC4-B4C0-4BAB-8801-5111E006F314">2</title>.

I know that I can use the ID Options dialog and change from ${id} to ${uuid}, but this does not give me the format I would like. 

Any tips?


  • Hi Morten,

    There are 2 ways to generate IDs on elements:

    1. Via the authoring Tool (as you already discovered)
    2. Via KnowledgeCenter itself.

    To let the system generate a GUID on the elements please follow these steps (note it requires admin rights )

    1. Open the webclient
    2. Go to the settings tab
    3. Click left on XML Write Plugin settings
    4. Locate the plugin: GENERATE.LINK.ENDS
    5. Add the element where you want to have an ID on, for example for a P element: (//*[contains(@class,' topic/p ')])

    For the Editor, I cant think of a better way to assign the IDs than you already discovered in the tools.
  • Hi Morten,

    We encountered the same issue trying to get Oxygen to set the ID format closer to what KC automatically generates.  What we tried is manually putting the "GUID-" text in the string (so the ID Pattern field is GUID-${uuid}), so that it's closer to what KC generates.  It's seemed to work for us, although there's still a bit of difference in that the KC string generates all upper-case alpha characters whereas Oxygen generates lower-case. We're still investigating if there's a way in Oxygen to get the upper-case characters to generate so that the format is truly identical.

    Hope that gets you closer as well,
