How do I associate Oasis DTD to my exported topics?

I exported a number of files that are associated with our bookmap.  However, when I open a file (such as the bookmap) I get a number of validation errors stating that the @ish* attributes cannot be validated.

To fix this I had Oxygen use the bookmap.dtd file that is located in my ./username/AppData/local/SDL/ folder, but the errors persist.

C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\SDL\InfoShare Client\0759605102\Config\DocTypes\dita-oasis\1.2\bookmap\dtd\bookmap.dtd

Is there any solution to this issue?  I'd really like to use these files for some OT plugin development work.

  • I discovered that our DITA XML transform wasn't working properly. Now that it is working for us, I've discovered something else. 1) Any <dita> topics that we use as container files for reuse contain @id values in the root element (<dita id="GUID-xxx), which is incompatible with OASIS DTDs. I have asked SDL support to look into this.

    However, now a new issue has emerged: 2) the bookmap contains the extension, .xml. I'd like to know if there is anyway to change the extension to .ditamap for the bookmap topic. I'm OK with .xml for other <map> topics. I'm not sure if I need to get professional services involved or if someone on this forum has dealt with this.
  • I discovered that our DITA XML transform wasn't working properly. Now that it is working for us, I've discovered something else. 1) Any <dita> topics that we use as container files for reuse contain @id values in the root element (<dita id="GUID-xxx), which is incompatible with OASIS DTDs. I have asked SDL support to look into this.

    However, now a new issue has emerged: 2) the bookmap contains the extension, .xml. I'd like to know if there is anyway to change the extension to .ditamap for the bookmap topic. I'm OK with .xml for other <map> topics. I'm not sure if I need to get professional services involved or if someone on this forum has dealt with this.
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