Has anyone experienced SDL randomly adding topics to your map or publication without user intervention?

We are using SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager v12. SDL appears to have grabbed 25 topics from elsewhere in one of our books and added them (as copies) into one of the other chapters in the same book between 1/3/18 and 1/5/18. We have located the revision version where it occurred and it list the user who supposedly added the topics but that user did not add them. And no one else used that users account to log in to do it either. In this particular case a submap was checked in and the topics were added during the check in somehow. This is the fourth book that we know of, that this has happened to within the last year. We know that nobody was working in this map/chapter during the time that it occurred. We are working with SDL Support on this, but they suggested asking the community if anyone else has seen this happen.

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