How do Knowledge Center users manage tracking shared topics?

For example, both Bob and Sue are reusing Topic A in their map. However, there is no visual indicator in either Oxygen or Pub Mgr that Topic A is used in more than one map (or publication). If Sue updates Topic A, for example, to document a new feature, then at Publication time, Bob needs to be sure his Publication is using the latest version Topic A (if his product supports the new feature), or maybe he needs to use a previously released version of Topic A because his product doesn't support the new feature yet.  If there were a visual indicator in Pub Mgr, Bob and Sue could check their "shared" topics in their publication's baseline before they publish to make sure they are using the correct version of the shared topic.  If there were a visual indicator in Oxygen, before they update a shared topic, they will be reminded that other people are using this topic so the change will affect other publications. 

Otherwise, writers have to perform a Where used on a topic to see where it is used, which is cumbersome because they won't necessarily know (or remember) which topics are reused in other places. Is there any mechanism in Pub Mgr or Oxygen that would let a writer know that the topic is used in multiple maps/publications?

How are other people managing this? 


PS we are using Build 12.0.2417.0 with Oxygen 17.1.

  • Hi Rhonda, I would suggest two things for you. 1. Store your reusable topics in a Common folder and make your writers are aware that anything they use from the Common folders are probably used in other publications. 2. Since the writers have an awareness of the reuse, they could then use the "Where Used" report to determine all the other places that this topic is being reused. You can find information about the "Where Used" report for you release in the online documentation If you are talking about lower level component use and you are putting those components in Library folders, you can do a "Where Used" on a library object as well. The Where Used report is accessed from Pub Manager (View menu Where Used option).

    Pam Noreault | Knowledge Center Solutions Architect

  • Thank you Pam. I am aware of the "Where Used" function, but to find all of the "shared" topics in their map, the writer needs to:

    1) Open the topic in Oxygen.
    2) From SDL Knoweldge Center menu, select Where Used.

    If they have a large map this is a lot of work.

    If they do this via Pub Mgr, they still have to select the topic in Pub Mrg and run View >Where Used. Although the baseline does contain a column that displays the CMS folder location so if we setup a "Shared" folder to contain the shared topics, they would see it there. This is the kind of data that would be helpful when working in Oxygen, since that is where writers are doing most of their work.

    ??Is there a Report a writer could run that would list all topics in a Publication, that would include the folder the topics reside in (so essentially a baseline report?) If they could run a report then they could refer to that at least.
  • Hi Rhonda, I don't know of a report that does this. You should make a request to the ideas area of the communities for this so it gets visibility. I agree that as an end user it would be nice to be able to have a report that consolidates this info in one place.

    Pam Noreault | Knowledge Center Solutions Architect

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