Publication Folder Name on the Server

When a publication is published, the folder created on the server has a name like the following: GUID-536483FC-B5AA-491D-8DFB-15DD3900E56D.792101.20180327035629496. Does anyone know what the number is between the GUID and the time stamp (792101, in this example)?

Parents Reply
  • Hi Dana - To allow you to assess and prepare, this is what we currently have on the test bench for Tridion Docs 13 SP1 (13.0.1)

    • Up to 13/13.0.0 it was a path like C:\InfoShare\Data\PublishingService\Data\DataExports\GUID-8966AB1A-26A0-470F-909A-FD38EED5831C.22128866.20170411121926696 so 122 chars 
    • Starting from 13SP1/13.0.1 it will be C:\InfoShare\Data\Publish\Data\3zufoxj5cfs so 43 chars, or 79 characters more space. In the root of this folder we will offer a "*.publish.xml" file (e.g. "Publication MP330=GUID-.........=2=PDF (A4 Manual)=en-US.publish.xml") that will hold extra publication info.

    We hereby mitigate the fixed Windows OS path depth limitation of 260 characters where some setups run into.
