How do I add the Comments field to the Web UI and Pub Mgr Inbox? Is it even possible?

Our translation team is asking for us to add the Comments field to the Web UI and Pub Mgr Inbox. We are using Knowledge Center 2016 for the Web Client and have upgraded the Tools to 2016 SP4. What file(s) do I need to edit to get the Comments to appear in the Inbox. Thanks!

Sally Gero

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Dave,

    Thank you. We are using 12.0.0. I'm not quite sure where in the file to put this. I'm new to this so I have copied the MetadataConfig.xml file from our development server to my local PC. I'm thinking it goes in this section:

    <ishlist id="Trisoft.InfoShare.Forms.InboxListControl" defaultsort="TitleField">

    and this is what I have added:

    <ishlistfield name="CommentsField" ishfieldref="FCOMMENTS" level="lng"
    <label resourceref="FCOMMENTS.Text">Comments</label>

    Is this correct? Before I copy it back to the development server I want to make sure I've got the correct information. I will make a backup copy of the original file before I copy this edited file to the server.

