How do I create a read-only folder?

I want to provide a folder where files are accessed by our authors, but they cannot modify (write-to) the files that are in it. We've had issues with modifications being made to our keydef files and we want to limit who can modify these files.

I was informed by SDL support that this is possible, but I'm not sure how to get started.

  • Hi Rick. Your folders have owners. When you create a folder, it defaults to all user groups being able to read\write to the folder as the ownership is to everyone. When you create the folder, look at the Security on it and change it to Admins or what ever user group you want to own the folder, then select the user groups who have access to "read" the folder only. One thing to remember, once you set permissions on the folder, it will cascade to all subfolders. Any new user group you create, you will have to make sure to add that user group to the "read" permissions of that folder. Also, once you create the folder and set the owner, that owner cannot be changed. The only way to change the owner is to create a new folder, set its permissions and then move the contents of the old folder to the new folder. Hope this helps.

    Pam Noreault | Knowledge Center Solutions Architect

  • Rick,
    Just to add to Pam's excellent reply with a few specifics. You want to set up a Resources or Global Resources folder - this does not need to have the Security, then within that create a specific folder for Keydef, call it Keydef-library. When you set it up you must set the Security owner, we have a Resource Management group where only a small subset of Admins can update this content. You can never change the security after you have set up a folder so you may have to move your current content into this new folder.
    After setup the folder properties security tab shows: Owner: Resource Management. The Grant read access to: the Members of all user groups radio button is checked.
    Hope this helps