Tridion Docs/Knowledge Center Client Tools on Mac OS?

Does anyone have experience running the Tridion Docs/KC 16 client tools on a Mac? We have some users interested in switching over and, in the interest of due diligence, wanted to see if it were possible to run the client tools (mainly Pub Manager) on Mac OS.

I think I saw Oxygen had a Mac OS version, but is the connector compatible also?

Thanks in advance for the help and advice.

Parents Reply
  • Hi  , I am on   's team. I want to share with you what has worked for us with writers running a Windows Emulator. 

    1. The writer installed Parallels Pro Edition (annual subscription) and Windows 11 Pro (one-time purchase). This configuration allows the writer to update the environment with the latest security patches. 
    2. Install Tridion Docs 15 and Oxygen 21.1 on the virtual machine.
    3. Provide the writer a username and password to access Tridion Docs 15 instead of SSO. We found that the virtual machine did not support SSO. There is no YubiKey key support for the version of Windows that runs in a virtual machine. As a result, SSO login fails for Publication Manager.
    4. Change the local storage path in Publication Manager from mac/Home/Documents/RWS/InfoShare to C:\Users\<user_name>\Documents\RWS\InfoShare.
    5. Change the local storage path for Oxygen from mac/Home/Documents/RWS/InfoShare to C:\Users\<user_name>\Documents\RWS\InfoShare.
    6. Change your default web browser in the virtual machine to Microsoft Edge. You can still use Chrome as the default on MacOS. 

    Periodically the browser will time out, or writers will get a login screen with blank username and pw fields, rather than the “You are now signed” in message.  But it generally works if the writer retries (sometimes requires clearing browser cache and restarting Edge and Pub Mgr).  Writers find that if they leave Oxygen running rather than closing it after checking in a topic, they have to authenticate less often.
