Hey All,
We are using using Publication Manager 13.0.1 with Tridion Docs 13.0.4115.1.
We have a problem, that the first output is always in Deutsch, I can't choose different language before creating it. So I can't create other than de-De output format at first.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new publication
2. On the Output tab, click on New... (no output format at this point)
3. Select the output format on the Select Output Format window, click OK
4. Output format created on de-DE language
If I am creating another new output format, I get this window:
Which would be expected for the first creation also..
The only difference I found between the Pub Manager 12 and 13 UI is that in the Language combination combobox (on the Add Publication Output window) , there isn't the "Choose an option" possibility. Maybe that's why it choose automatically the first one (which is the de-DE)?
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[edited by: Trados AI at 6:32 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]