Output format with wrong language properties

Hi all,

One of my translation coordinator created a new output format and specified the language with capitals ('EN' instead of 'en').
This output format is in the release status and disrupts the opening of the publication in Publication Manager (Language with text 'EN' could not be found).
I can not change this value, the field is grayed out and I do not want to create a new language.
Is it possible to ensure that an administrator can fix the property or is it that the best way is to do a new version?

Product: SDL Knowledge Center 2016.

Looking forward to reading you ...

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  • Hello Dave,

    Thank you for your answer.

    The problem occurred when the translation coordinator wanted to add an output to a publication from the web client.
    Fill in the 'Language combination' field with the desired language. Instead of clicking the '...' button and choosing the right language, he typed in the language code without taking care that 'caps lock' was activated. The result is that the field has been saved with the value 'EN' instead of 'en'.
    This does not create any particular problems with the web client, but if you open this publication in Publication Manager, it does not recognize the language (certainly case sensitive).

    To solve the problem, I followed your advice and created a new version of the publication.

    Thank you very much for the help.

    Best regards.