Since upgrading to SDL Publication Manager 13.0.1, our users are experiencing the above crash in what appears to originate in the Gecko.ns codebase. The crash is not actually fatal, as users can select "Yes" and continue on. This is more of an annoying thing that happens usually shortly after checking in a topic or publication from XMetaL. It is worth noting that the check-in action completes successfully, but this error will occur (only occasionally) after a user has clicked on a different topic from the list of publication elements from their tree.
There is a hotfix for some other Gecko issue that I found here, but the intermittent nature of the error, it is hard to tell whether or not this has any effect.
Has anyone else experienced a similar crash, or know if the hotfix from the mentioned thread fixes all Gecko issues? This is happening across multiple OSes (though all 64 bit).
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[edited by: Trados AI at 6:36 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]