Feature Request: Support Oxygen map publishing

When I check out a map from Tridion Docs and attempt to produce any output from the DITA OT in Oxygen 20.1, it throws the following error.

Transformation failed. C:\Program Files\Oxygen XML Editor 20\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT2.x\plugins\org.dita.base\build_preprocess.xml:55: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jacob-1.18-x64 in java.library.path Removing the authoring bridge eliminates the problem. I am using 20180515.AuthoringBridge.13.0.4115.1.

A similar issue occurs in version 17.1. I posted an issue in support, and got the following response: "I spoke to engineering and PS and confirmed that Oxygen DITA-OT does not support our DTD's and it does not sync them to validate during the publish process."

I don't know that I follow this line of reasoning. I can validate against the DTDs in Oxygen, and the links "resolve" based on the GUIDs because of the authoringbridge. Catalogs to the DTDs can be configured. XMetal doesn't have this problem. Oxygen is the single most popular XML editor on the market right now. SDL's authoring bridge should work with Oxygen's publishing tools. 

  • Hi Bill - Feature Request are probably better off in the Ideas section of the community site: community.sdl.com/.../

    The integration with XMetaL and Oxygen looks alike, but is definitely not the same as both xml editors offer different adaptor interfaces - hence their different behavior. Now in all cases the integration only implements the authoring functionality (like DTD sync and validation, conref, images, etc) but not other pieces like publishing.
    The AuthoringBridge SDK is not optimized to do client-side publishes, it might work for your data sizes but not necessarily for other customers which is expected from a product. Centralized server-side publishes do scale; and on top they offer the advantage of shared stylesheets and clearly avoids the local DTP-like tampering that will happen with decentralized Oxygen-based publishing.

    Hope this helps,
  • Hi Bill - Feature Request are probably better off in the Ideas section of the community site: community.sdl.com/.../

    The integration with XMetaL and Oxygen looks alike, but is definitely not the same as both xml editors offer different adaptor interfaces - hence their different behavior. Now in all cases the integration only implements the authoring functionality (like DTD sync and validation, conref, images, etc) but not other pieces like publishing.
    The AuthoringBridge SDK is not optimized to do client-side publishes, it might work for your data sizes but not necessarily for other customers which is expected from a product. Centralized server-side publishes do scale; and on top they offer the advantage of shared stylesheets and clearly avoids the local DTP-like tampering that will happen with decentralized Oxygen-based publishing.

    Hope this helps,