Configurable columns in Tridion Docs 13

We ran into a few issues with this new feature, especially when adding fields to the view which don't exist on all cards. For example, the baseline view show a few different type of objects library topics, maps, topics, the user is presented with an error that the selected field is not available and the baseline doesn't load. We see similar behavior on the Inbox view & shortcut folder view.

Is there a way to restrict the fields available to the user during column preference? Seems like a bug with this feature. Like to know if anyone else ran into similar issues?

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  • Thanks Dave, great suggestion, Here is some more detail. We are on Tridion Docs 13 SP2.
    Steps to reproduce
    1) Create a new field using DBUpgradeTool.
    2) Add it to CTMap and not to CTMaster
    3) Create a new Publication in Publication Manager.
    4) Add a Map to it with at least one topic referenced.
    5) Select to view baseline in Publication manager for the publication created in step step 3.
    6) Using the Add/Remove Columns add the new field created in Step 1.
    7) The user gets an error that the field is not available on CTMaster and the baseline view doesn't load.