Increasing FISHRELEASELABEL metadata

Our service manuals include many topics that include a title element only. For example, "Safety", "Mechanism", "Servicing", "Specifications", and so on. I know that using the title only topic does not conform to DITA writing recommendation. But it's difficult to avoid using such a topic. We reuse such title only topics to unify titles and to save translation costs. Of course, such title only topics are reused for many manuals.

One day, I exported a publication and I realized that the reused title only topics have many values for the FISHRELEASELABEL metadata. This means if we reuse a topic for many manuals, metadata for the topic increase on and on.

For the above background, I'd like to know whether we should avoid reusing a topic for too many manuals.

If someone has knowledge on this matter, please let me know.

Thank you in advance for your support.

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