Public ID change

According to TD14 documents, public IDs for DITA files have been changed from "-//OASIS//DTD DITA" to "-//SDL/DTD DITA". In addition, Content Importer replace public IDs in dita files when importing them to TD14 with Standard Import function.

My question is how public IDs of DITA files already stored in the TD14 repository are treated when upgrading KC2016 to TD14. Does DBupgrade tool convert public IDs automatically? It seems that Publication Manager expects the public IDs of DITA files as newer one, "-//SDL/DTD DITA". When I viewed topics that have "-//OASIS//DTD DITA" type public IDs through Publication Manager preview window, CSS were not applied properly.

  • Dear Hirai-san

    During an upgrade to TD14, we will replace the public ID from "SDL" into the customer's public ID. This new public ID has to be different from what used before for DITA 1.2. That old public ID will not be changed. As such, older files will still point to DITA 1.2. And newly created objects will point to DITA 1.3.

    During an upgrade we will also update the Editor templates so that new topics will point to the new public ID, hence DITA 1.3.

    There are no changes made to existing content in the repository during the upgrade.

    If you want to have an existing topic point to DITA 1.3 when making a new version, you could manually change the public ID.

    Mixing DITA 1.2 and 1.3 files will work fine in all TD14 processes.

    Best regards


  • Dear Hirai-san

    During an upgrade to TD14, we will replace the public ID from "SDL" into the customer's public ID. This new public ID has to be different from what used before for DITA 1.2. That old public ID will not be changed. As such, older files will still point to DITA 1.2. And newly created objects will point to DITA 1.3.

    During an upgrade we will also update the Editor templates so that new topics will point to the new public ID, hence DITA 1.3.

    There are no changes made to existing content in the repository during the upgrade.

    If you want to have an existing topic point to DITA 1.3 when making a new version, you could manually change the public ID.

    Mixing DITA 1.2 and 1.3 files will work fine in all TD14 processes.

    Best regards

