How do you add files to a Template-type folder?

Supposedly, Word, PDF, and other file types can be added to Template-type folders, but how is that done? I'm not able to just drag a file into the folder, like I can for an image in an Image-type folder. Shouldn't that be possible?  It says "Unable to import files with extension '.docx' in a folder of type 'Template'."

 I can't find anything about this in the docs. I'm using Tridion Docs 13.

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Dave - I don't know how to set up a template of that type in the Web Client. Is that in the docs somewhere? It seems that if Template-type folders are intended to hold files like Word and PDF, it should come pre-configured so that files of that type can just be dragged into the folder.

  • Hi Dave - I might have misunderstood your response. I do know how to import via the Web Client using Tools > Import Other (Word, PDF, ...). But that method is not very user friendly. I would like for non-Admin users to be able to just drag files in "Other (Word, PDF, ...)" folders. So I guess my question should have been, how do I configure the system so that is possible.



  • Hi Dave,

    I encountered a similar problem. In our case, we are migrating Content Manager from KC2016 to TD14. In KC2016, it's possible to import a new editor template for an other-type object under the System/Editor template folder from web client. On the other hand, it's not possible in TD14. Therefore I imported an other-type object using Content Importer into a folder that is located not under the System folder. Then, I moved the imported object to the System/Editor template. Is this the only way to create a new editor template for the other-type object?



  • Has anyone configured their SDL system so that file types such as PDF, Word, or text can be dragged into "Other (Word, PDF, ...)" folders? Is that possible?

  • Hi Dana,

    Please find below a long description of the steps to take in order to ensure that drag 'n drop is supported in SDL Tridion Docs for 'Other (Word, PDF, ...)' typed documents.

    possible procedure

    A) Add a new editor template location to enable the possibility to create new ISHTemplate objects
    1/ Logon to the webclient with an account which has 'system management' usergroup assigned.
    2/ Navigate towards the 'Repository' section (main menubar)
    3/ Navigate towards the Editor Templates location
    4/ Check if there is a folder available with the foldertype set to 'Other (Word, PDF, ...)'
    If not existing create such a folder.

    B) Import/Create a new Editor Template in the previous identified Templates folder within the Editor Templates location.
    IN SDL TD 13 (up to SP2)
    1/ Copy or Create a new template object (eg. empty word document with name Empty Template=ISHEDITORTEMPLATETEMPLATE=1=en=.docx) towards the batch import location for 'Other (Word, PDF, ...)' object in the '<drive-letter>:\Infoshare\Data<project-suffix>\BatchImport\ImportTemplates\ToBeImported' folder.
    2/ Logon to the webclient with an account which has 'system management' usergroup assigned and the 'Administrator' userrole.
    3/ Navigate towards the 'Tools' section (main menubar)
    4/ Select the 'Import Other (Word, PDF, ...)' option.
    5/ Click the Start Import button on the line 'ToBeImported'
    6/ Populate the metadata which is required and select the folder which was identified / created in the procedure above 'A) Add a new editor template location ....' .
    7/ Click 'Start Import' button to start the process.
    Wait until import is finished.
    8/ Navigate towards the 'Repository' section.
    9/ Navigate into the Editor Templates location as selected in step 6.
    10/ Release the previously uploaded object (so move through workflow until 'Release' status is reached).

    IN SDL TD 14
    1/ Copy or Create a new word document (eg. empty word document with name Empty Template=ISHEDITORTEMPLATETEMPLATE=1=en=.docx) on the filesystem. Make sure it has actual content so size should be different from 0 bytes.
    2/ Create a corresponding .3sish metadata file (eg. Empty Template=ISHEDITORTEMPLATETEMPLATE=1=en=.3sish ) which is save UTF-16 BOM complaint.
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
        <ishobject ishref="ISHEDITORTEMPLATETEMPLATE" ishtype="ISHTemplate">
                <ishfield name="FTITLE" level="logical">Empty Template</ishfield>
                <ishfield name="VERSION" level="version">1</ishfield>
                <ishfield name="DOC-LANGUAGE" level="lng">en-US</ishfield>
                <ishfield name="FSTATUS" level="lng">Draft</ishfield>
    3/ Start the Content Importer application
    4/ Select the Import without conversion option
    4.1/ Select the folder in which you have created the docx and 3sish file.
    4.2/ Select the target folder which is the Editor Template location created in the procedure above 'A) Add a new editor template location ....' .
    5/ Click the 'Import' button.
    Wait until import is finished.
    6/ Logon to the webclient with an account which has 'system management' usergroup assigned and the 'Administrator' userrole.
    7/ Navigate towards the 'Repository' section.
    8/ Navigate into the Editor Templates location as selected in step 6.
    9/ Release the previously uploaded object (so move through workflow until 'Release' status is reached).

    C) Change configuration file
    1/ Logon to the filesystem of the SDL Tridion Docs application server
    2/ Navigate to the following path on the server '<drive-letter>:\Infoshare\Web<project-suffix>\Author\ASP\ClientConfig
    3/ Make a backup copy of the existing MetadataConfig.xml filesystem
    4/ Open the MetadataConfig.xml file.
    5/ Search in the file for the following string '<ishfrm id="Importer.OpenFileDialog">'
    6/ Extend the form by duplicating the element 'typeoptions' as shown below. Change the ishcondition towards ISHType='ISHTemplate'"

              <typeoptions ishcondition="ISHType='ISHTemplate'">
                      <label resourceref="Template.FileTypes.All.Label">All Templates (*.docx)</label>

    7/ Save the file
    8/ Search in the file for the following string '<ishassociationdef>'
    9/ Add an 'ishfileextensionassociation' element as shown below

        <ishfileextensionassociation name="docx" ishtemplate="GUID OF THE TEMPLATE OBJECT IN THE EDITOR TEMPLATES LOCATION" />
        eg. using the information above it would look like:
        <ishfileextensionassociation name="docx" ishtemplate="ISHEDITORTEMPLATETEMPLATE" />
    Add as many of these elements all pointing to the same ishtemplate GUID as you need in order to support all of the required extensions for ISHTemplate.
    DO KEEP IN MIND that you can only support an extension for either Image upload or Template upload throw drag 'n drop.

    10/ Save the file     
    11/ Recycle the Application Pools in IIS
    12/ Restart the SDL Tridion Docs Publication manager application
        - this should synchronize the metadataconfig.xml file.

  • Hi Raf - Thanks for the info. I followed the procedure, for both .txt. files and .docx files, but I am still not able to drag and drop .txt or .docx files into an Other-type folder. It says "Unable to import files with extension '.docx' in a folder of type 'Template'."

    However, because of the added templates, I can now use the Create a new object icon from an Other-type folder to add an empty .txt or .docx file to the folder. Then I can check out the file and add content to it. That might suffice for our use case.

    Btw, I also needed to add a file handler to the IshBatchImportConfiguration.xml file for .docx, as one did not exist yet.

