Tridion Topics and Articulate Storyline?

Our learning team is authoring training content in Articulate Storyline and delivering it using Docebo. I've just begun conversations with this team regarding how we can leverage our tech doc content in Tridion for new training programs. Ideally, I'd like to author this training content using the DITA L&T specialization and publish it from Tridion. I don't think that is an option right now, so I'm looking for other options. Does anyone have experience integrating Tridion with an LMS? Any experience leveraging DITA content for use in Articulate Storyline? From brief research, it doesn't look like DITA works with Articulate Storyline, but I wanted to check with the community.


  • Tridion Docs out of the box includes the DITA L&T specialized topic types as well as the templates to support. Note with DITA 1.3 there were several useful enhancements via updates from OASIS However, there is a chance you may have configured these out (hidden) with your production system. The Learning DITA web site has a free on-line course that may be of interest:

    But standard DITA topics such as Concepts, Tasks and References can be used for learning content, and reuse with your general product documentation topics. I've actually talked with other customers that found out the training group was copying and pasting help content from their web site into PowerPoint. Essentially to get started I'd suggest you look at existing training materials and how you would adapt your information architecture to support. For example, instructor led materials from PowerPoint may work well as Concept or Task topics that you build in a DITA map. Don't forget the governance needed to incorporate and add more content types, remember your IA work from a few years ago.

    Most LMSs are designed to import SCORM content, and there are general SCORM plugins available for the DITA OT that can be configured into Tridion Docs. But it would require some customization to support specifics of Articulate Storyline and needed metadata, etc. I've also seen PDF and HTML DITA OT outputs that are formatted as landscape pages that look and feel like slides.

  • Tridion Docs out of the box includes the DITA L&T specialized topic types as well as the templates to support. Note with DITA 1.3 there were several useful enhancements via updates from OASIS However, there is a chance you may have configured these out (hidden) with your production system. The Learning DITA web site has a free on-line course that may be of interest:

    But standard DITA topics such as Concepts, Tasks and References can be used for learning content, and reuse with your general product documentation topics. I've actually talked with other customers that found out the training group was copying and pasting help content from their web site into PowerPoint. Essentially to get started I'd suggest you look at existing training materials and how you would adapt your information architecture to support. For example, instructor led materials from PowerPoint may work well as Concept or Task topics that you build in a DITA map. Don't forget the governance needed to incorporate and add more content types, remember your IA work from a few years ago.

    Most LMSs are designed to import SCORM content, and there are general SCORM plugins available for the DITA OT that can be configured into Tridion Docs. But it would require some customization to support specifics of Articulate Storyline and needed metadata, etc. I've also seen PDF and HTML DITA OT outputs that are formatted as landscape pages that look and feel like slides.

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