Adding new metadata field using DBUpgrade tool

Hi All,

I am trying to add new field in one of our outputformat's property dialog box. I succefully created a XMSetup.xml and run DBUpgradeTool following these instructions.



3. Setup <ishfrmfield> in metadataconfig.xml 

4. Ran following crawlers:

-- x:\InfoShare\App\Crawler\Configuration

1. UnregisterAllCrawlers.bat

2. RegisterThisCrawler.bat

3. StartDataFolderCleanup.bat

4. StartReindex.bat

5. Now I can see the field and associated LOVs in outputformat's property dialog box. 

But, when I try to select the value it throws an exception "The FieldValue "XXXX" cannot be returned, because it is not initialized".

Note: I haven't tried to restart all components for example (Restart services, Restart application pools, Recycle com+ applications). If this is the issue here please let me know the instructions to restart these services. I couldn't find instruction on how to restart services in documentation centre for Tridion Docs 13 SP2. 

Thanks in advance for any help with this.


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