Topic-level ishconditions in a publication - should they work?


I have a scenario where a topic nested in a map in a publication has a topic-level ishcondition that should exclude it due to the Condition Context.

This will not show are red in Publication Manager as the ishcondition is not on the map topicref. However I would expect it to show the body of the topic as read since the ishcondition is on the root concept element but it doesn't.

Do ishconditions not work at the root topic level?

Any advice appreciated,



  • Hey Ann

    Conditions to include or exclude complete topics or maps should always be put at the topicref level. This will ensure that the TD tools know that the whole component is either in or out. Rather than first having to look inside the component to determine if it's in or out.

    If it would be allowed at the root level of a topic, it would result in the map having a topicref that in itself is not conditional, hence would always remain. But the actual contents of the topicref could potentially be completely filtered out. Resulting in a broken link in the map. Therefore a user should always add the link at topicref level.

    One observation: if you use an out of the box TD 14 environment and you add a condition at the root level of a topic in your XML editor (your XML editor will allow you to), this condition will be filtered out upon checking as it should not be there. I'm not sure when this cleanup was added, but today it should not be possible anymore to add a condition to a topic root.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Kurt,

    Thanks so much for your detailed reply.

    We are currently using TD 13 so I guess that root level condition is remaining after check-in.


