I want to add an extra condition value to the platform attribute defined in xt_config.xml. After making the update on the server file C:\InfoShare\Web\Author\ASP\ClientConfig\XMetaL\12.0-CRCL\Editor\Conditional Text\configs\ct_config.xml, I can then see the update propagated to my local file C:\Program Files\XMetaL 12.0\Author\Conditional Text\configs\ct_config.xml.
However, the new condition value does not appear when I open XMetaL and navigate to Tools-->Configure Conditional Text.
I have also found a different instance of ct_config.xml locally at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\SoftQuad\XMetaL\12.0\ct_config.xml. Is this the one used by XMetaL to pull conditional values and if so how I push updates from the Tridion server to this local file?
Any advice appreciated,