Can a form field in metadataconfig.xml be readonly in Publication Manager but editable in Tridion Docs Content Manager?


I think I have asked the question in the Subject, but to rephrase,

I have added a frmfield in metadataconfig.xml i.e. 

<ishfrmfield ishfieldref="FISHPUBCONTEXT" level="version" name="PublicationContextField">
<label resourceref="FISHPUBCONTEXT.Label">Context</label>
<description resourceref="FISHPUBCONTEXT.Description">The publication context defines which conditional sections will be published.</description>
<typemultilinetext lines="2" />
<readonly ishcondition="ISHType = 'ISHPublication'" />

Is it possible to configure it so that it is not editable in Publication Manager but is editable in Tridion Docs Content Manager view?

Thanks in advance,

