I need to add a list of values to an ishcondition. Can this be done via ISHRemote or any other automated way?
I need to add a list of values to an ishcondition. Can this be done via ISHRemote or any other automated way?
Hi Ann,
In all those years I cannot remember we had this request. Actually in Tridion Docs 14/14.0.x we deprecated ConditionManagement web services as the last of the API 1.0 generation. As a reminder from Tridion Developer Summit sessions, we in the mean while got an API 2.0, API 2.5 (used by ISHRemote) and are now working on a REST-based API 3.0. Besides becoming obsolete, the ConditionManagement 1.0 web services is quite clumpsy to work with as well, so I would avoid going there.
If you need a way forward, then I would advise you to look at ISHCONDITIONMANAGEMENT object, typically located under Repository folder System Management > Conditions. In the end it is an object that complies with workflow, so if you do a checkout, alter the file and do a checkin operation you are actually mimicing what that earlier mentioned ConditionManagement web services does. If you made a mistake it is as easy as restore the last-known-good file you kept aside.
Your question is on our list for the upcoming Docs 15 release to describe the alternative of then obsolete Condition Management web services. And it will look similar to the rough flow I described higher.
Just to make sure ISHCONDITIONMANAGEMENT, the xml content of this object drives what you see and manage in the Condition Manager client tool. It also drives the Condition Builder feature to generate a complex ishcondition in Authoring Bridge. Nothing more.
If you automate, then a Get-IshDocumentObjData, update the xml and matching Set cmdlet could work nicely for you.
Best wishes,
PS: this is theoretical knowledge to get you going, I didn't have time to verify this is in some quick code... If you get it working, please share
Hi Ann,
In all those years I cannot remember we had this request. Actually in Tridion Docs 14/14.0.x we deprecated ConditionManagement web services as the last of the API 1.0 generation. As a reminder from Tridion Developer Summit sessions, we in the mean while got an API 2.0, API 2.5 (used by ISHRemote) and are now working on a REST-based API 3.0. Besides becoming obsolete, the ConditionManagement 1.0 web services is quite clumpsy to work with as well, so I would avoid going there.
If you need a way forward, then I would advise you to look at ISHCONDITIONMANAGEMENT object, typically located under Repository folder System Management > Conditions. In the end it is an object that complies with workflow, so if you do a checkout, alter the file and do a checkin operation you are actually mimicing what that earlier mentioned ConditionManagement web services does. If you made a mistake it is as easy as restore the last-known-good file you kept aside.
Your question is on our list for the upcoming Docs 15 release to describe the alternative of then obsolete Condition Management web services. And it will look similar to the rough flow I described higher.
Just to make sure ISHCONDITIONMANAGEMENT, the xml content of this object drives what you see and manage in the Condition Manager client tool. It also drives the Condition Builder feature to generate a complex ishcondition in Authoring Bridge. Nothing more.
If you automate, then a Get-IshDocumentObjData, update the xml and matching Set cmdlet could work nicely for you.
Best wishes,
PS: this is theoretical knowledge to get you going, I didn't have time to verify this is in some quick code... If you get it working, please share