Publication Manager PDF Output Too Large - 1.1 GB

We have content for our user manuals that we converted from an older version of Structured FrameMaker (7.1) and imported into Tridion Docs. The PDF output from the FrameMaker manuals was about 84 GB. The PDF output from Publication Manager for the same content is over 1.1 GB. It takes one to two hours to create the PDF, and then to save, and then to reduce file size. We need to reduce this output size.

It has been questioned if the problem may be the images. We are trying to investigate that, but not sure what the problem is. The images were TIFFs converted to PNGs and were previously sized before import at 300dpi at the display size (and not resized in the authoring tool - Oxygen).

There is one PNG which is 16 MB.
24 PNGs are 4 to 7 MB.
348 PNGs are 1 to 3 MB.
612 PNGs are 3 KB to 1 MB.

The above PNG file sizes are comparable to what the TIFF sizes used with FrameMaker were.

Has anyone else had the same issue and resolved this large PDF output problem? 

Using Publication Manager 14.0.3 and Oxygen 21.1.

Thank you!

  • Hi John,

    We have the same issue. I think the only thing you can do is to reduce the image files size by reducing the image resolution.

    In our case, the lagest manual reaches about 2,000 pages. Image files occupied more than 95% of a PDF file. We use the Rendition plugin and it converts a high resolution image, which is 400dpi, to low (200dpi), and thumbnail (96dpi) images. Originally, we were using the 400dpi images when publishing a PDF that was used for printing. But we changed a publising process to use the 200dpi images when publing a very large publication. Of course image quality is degrated, but it is acceptable level in our case.

    Note that  we are using 96dpi images when editing a topic with Oxygen XML Author.



  • Hi John,

    We have the same issue. I think the only thing you can do is to reduce the image files size by reducing the image resolution.

    In our case, the lagest manual reaches about 2,000 pages. Image files occupied more than 95% of a PDF file. We use the Rendition plugin and it converts a high resolution image, which is 400dpi, to low (200dpi), and thumbnail (96dpi) images. Originally, we were using the 400dpi images when publishing a PDF that was used for printing. But we changed a publising process to use the 200dpi images when publing a very large publication. Of course image quality is degrated, but it is acceptable level in our case.

    Note that  we are using 96dpi images when editing a topic with Oxygen XML Author.



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