Real decoupling of DITA-OT version

When I integrated Oxygen's distribution version of DITA-OT 4.1.1 (Oxygen Publishing Engine 26.0) into Tridion Docs 15 with RWS Professional Service, we found DITA-OT integration step (ant -f integrator.xml) failed always.

It seems that Java CLASSPATH is set by hardcode string for older version of DITA-OT maybe InfoShare-OT version, and Java CLASSPATH from config.psm1 is not used.

Even before upgrading DITA-OT and Tridion Docs, I was aware of DITA-OT integration step generates plugin configuration file output with older copyright year than the current DITA-OT version.  That impressed me that "ant -f integrator.xml" is executed with older versions of lib/dost.jar, lib/Saxon-*.jar and other Java libraries in a different DITA-OT lib folder, and it might fail if either plugin integration requires new plugin integration capability, or a plugin would require additional library with its plugin integration step.  We couldn't workaround by modifying config.psm1.

Also, using dita command instead of ant would make CLASSPATH configuration easier with both integration step and execution step, but "ant -f integrator.xml" can't be replaced by "dita install" command.

I am encouraged from RWS PS to post this RFE issue for community visibility to prioritizing this issue by getting community's support.  Does anybody experience the similar issue?  Or, different version of DITA-OT rarely integrated with Tridion Docs server?
