Missing Method exception in Docs 14.1

We recently receiving this error on log in, starting Crawler, Background services etc.  We are only receiving this error in our prod instances test instances seems to be fine. Not sure where to start troubleshooting this issue. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance. 

System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Trisoft.InfoShare.BackgroundTask.Configuration.ProjectConfiguration' threw an exception. ---> System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings Trisoft.Utilities.Common.Helpers.IshXmlHelper.CreateXmlReaderSettings(Boolean)'.
   at Trisoft.InfoShare.Configuration.ExceptionResource.PopulateMessages()
   at Trisoft.InfoShare.Configuration.ExceptionResource..ctor(String filePath)
   at Trisoft.InfoShare.Configuration.ExceptionResources..ctor(String resourceDirectory)
   at Trisoft.InfoShare.Configuration.ProjectConfiguration..ctor()
   at Trisoft.InfoShare.Configuration.ProjectConfiguration.get_Current()
   at Trisoft.InfoShare.BackgroundTask.Configuration.ProjectConfiguration.get_ApplicationName()
   at Trisoft.InfoShare.BackgroundTask.Identity.BackgroundTaskAuthorization.Initialize()
   at Trisoft.InfoShare.BackgroundTask.Configuration.ProjectConfiguration..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Trisoft.InfoShare.BackgroundTask.Configuration.ProjectConfiguration.get_ApplicationName()
   at BackgroundTask.BackgroundTask.Process(String[] args)
   at BackgroundTask.BackgroundTask.OnStart(String[] args)
   at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.ServiceQueuedMainCallback(Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.Run(ServiceBase[] services)
   at BackgroundTask.Program.Main(String[] args)

  • Hi Akheil,

    I believe this is Customer Support territory. 

    Please make sure that you describe things that have changed in-and-around this system. From experience when your first sentence reads "We recently receiving this error" on an environment from a couple of years old, it more-than-often means something has changed.

    As a long shot, I hope people don't do this, not advised at all!... but did you install any of our Client Tools like Publication Manager or Content Importer on the server where you run Crawler and BackgroundTask. They share DLLs, but if you installed two different product versions then you are causing collissions. To be clear, we strongly advise of running them on the same machine.

    Best wishes,

  • Hi Akheil,

    I believe this is Customer Support territory. 

    Please make sure that you describe things that have changed in-and-around this system. From experience when your first sentence reads "We recently receiving this error" on an environment from a couple of years old, it more-than-often means something has changed.

    As a long shot, I hope people don't do this, not advised at all!... but did you install any of our Client Tools like Publication Manager or Content Importer on the server where you run Crawler and BackgroundTask. They share DLLs, but if you installed two different product versions then you are causing collissions. To be clear, we strongly advise of running them on the same machine.

    Best wishes,
